Running in the sun |
Minulý týden mi začaly prázdniny a já si je nesmírně užívám! Přátelé, dobré jídlo, párty, nakupování,... prostě vše, co se pojí s létem.
Dinner time |
Trips |
Celebrating my B-day |
They know me very well! |
Some fruit for breakfast |
Relax day with my friend (instead of school) |
Hot summer days |
School outfit - I love this dress! So nice color. |
Almost 50km and my legs are screaming. |
Melon - I was so looking forward to you! |
Lunch - whole wheat spaghetti with tomato sauce and parmesan on the top |
Red lips |
For two starving girls...fucking diet! |
Shopping time in rainy day |
Remember to follow me at @veronica_ova
Krásné fotky:)
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